The mission of the Oregon High School community is to work together for success while learning to live respectfully and responsibly in a changing world.
- Student Body: Oregon High School serves ~ 1,300 students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.
- Minority Student Population: 16.5%
- Graduation Rate (2023): 99%
- ACT Composite (2023): 21.6
Post-Secondary Plans
The number of 2021 graduates attending post secondary education is 71% within the first year of high school graduation (53% attending a 4 year institution, 18% a 2 year institution).
Graduation Requirements
Twenty-three credits are required for graduation, including:
- Four credits in English
- Three credits in math
- Three credits in social studies to include one credit of U.S. History, one credit of World Civilization, and one credit of a social studies elective
- Three credits of science or science equivalent
- One and a half credits of physical education
- Half credit of health (sophomore year)
- Eight credits of electives
- 40 hours of community service/volunteer hours are also required
* For the Class of 2025 and beyond: ½ credit Personal Finance
* For the Class of 2027 and beyond: ½ credit Political Science
Oregon High School provides students the opportunity to earn Wisconsin Global Education Certification. This achievement demonstrates a commitment and interest in acquiring global competencies.
Located in the Village of Oregon (7 miles from State Capitol).
Oregon School District covers ~ 81 square miles and spans ten municipalities within three counties (Dane, Rock, Green).
Committed to an inclusive school environment where each and every student feels a sense of belonging.
Marking System
(OHS no longer provides class rank.)
Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F are given in all courses.
4.00 = A; 3.67 = A-
3.33 = B+, 3.00 = B; 2.67 = B-
2.33 = C+; 2.00 = C; 1.67 = C-
1.33 = D+; 1.00 = D; .67 = D-
Percentage Scoring
93-100 = A; 90-92 = A-
87-89 = B+; 83-86 = B; 80-82 = B-
77-79 = C+; 73-76 = C; 70-72 = C-
67-69 = D+; 63-66 = D; 60-62 = D-; 0-59 = F
Advanced Placement Opportunities
- AP Biology
- AP U.S. History
- AP Chemistry
- AP World History
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Economics
- AP Calculus AB/BC
- AP Psychology
- AP Statistics
- AP English Language & Comp.
- AP Computer Science
- AP English Literature & Comp
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Music Theory
- Others by Independent Study
2021-22: 538 AP Tests were taken by 305 students, 77% of tests received a score of 3, 4, or 5